The Jungle Book Story Part 23:The Bridge

08/04/2011 22:25

 One morning in the elephant march,all the elephants have gathered to eat but Appu(Hathi's son)and Heetah(Hathi's daughter) are fighting to see who  has the longest trunk but Appu sneeze and Heetah wins.Heetah laugh at him and Appu rans off alone in the jungle but Kachini(Hathi's wife) don't think that Appu should ran off alone in the jungle.Appu is on his own and disturb Kaa,got scared by Ponya,and went to the cold lair and is stranded in a high pillar then all the Banderlogs laugh.Mowgli is playing at Baloo while Bagheera came,Baloo woke up,and they heard Appu crying for help,while Hathi,Kachini,and Heetah saw Kaa and the python told them that Appu is heading towards the Cold Lair.Mowgli,Bagheera,and Baloo arrived and they started to build a bridge to reach the little elephant but they cannot do it all by themselves so Baloo has call upon the Banderlogs to help them but the cheeky monkeys don't accept their agreement to help them.Just then Hathi arrived stepping and picking up the Banderlogs,Kachini pick up those monkeys with her trunk,Heetah pulled the Banderlog's tail,and Bagheera will deal with the Banderlogs if they dont help.Hathi holding Banderlogs in his trunk saying to them "IT WILL BE THE WORSE OF YOU ALL IF YOU DONT HELP THE MAN-CUB" the Banderlogs agree to help Mowgli to build the bridge.Mowgli finished building the bridge and Appu is now safe.Hathi,Kachini,Appu,and Heetah thank Mowgli for his help and they all went back to the elephant march.Mowgli is now again playing and Baloo went after him leaving Bagheera laughing.                                            


                                                                               The End


Will Mowgli earn his just reward?Find that out on the next Story.                                                                                                          



Thank You!!!

The Staffs




Kiko Silva

Adee Sumpay

Chermaine Ledesma